Colibri: Recepção
Horário: 08:30 - 08:45
Local: Auditório 2

Colibri: Sessão Técnica 1: Software Engineering and Algorithms
Horário: 08:45 - 10:30
Local: Auditório 2
Apresentações Orais
08:45 "A Coalescing Algorithm for Aliased Registers"
Mariza Bigonha (UFMG), Fabrice Rastello (Laboratoire de I’Informatique du Parallisme – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, França), Fernando Quintao Pereira (UFMG), Roberto Bigonha (UFMG)
09:05 "Automating model-based software engineering"
David Déharbe (UFRN), Pascal Fontaine (LORIA, França), Stephan Merz (LORIA, França), Anamaria Martins Moreira (UFRN), Anderson Santana de Oliveira (UFERSA)
09:25 "Vérification automatique des systèmes à base de règles avec le narrowing stratégique"
Anderson Santana de Oliveira (UFERSA), David Déharbe (UFRN), Pierre-Etienne Moreau (INRIA, França)
09:45 "Components for Rule-Based Constraint Programming in the Large"
Pierre Deransart (INRIA- CR Paris Rocquencourt, França), François Fages (INRIA, França), Jacques Robin (UFPE)
10:05 "Visualization of Parallel Applications: Results of an International Collaboration"
Lucas Schnorr (UFRGS), Guillaume Huard (Moais/LIG/UJF), Philippe Navaux (UFRGS)
  "RobustWeb: Development and Validation of SOA Applications based on Web Services"
Eliane Martins (UNICAMP), Regina Moraes (UNICAMP), Taisy Weber (UFRGS)
  "Particle-Based Simulation and Visualization of Tubular Flows"
Tiago Nobrega (UFSC), Diego Carvalho (UFSC), Aldo Wangenheim (UFSC)